Posts by John Weber
The Two Wolves within!

I have always operated with the idea that all people operate either one of two ways. They operate under fear or they operate with love. When I heard the two wolves story I think I liked it better!

One evening an elder Cherokee man told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside of all people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us. One is fear, It carries anxiety, concern, uncertainty, hesitancy, indecision, and inaction."

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Do You Have to be Lucky to Sell?

Luck occurs at the intersection of random chance, talent, hard work, and perseverance. I believe random events happen every single day in everyone's life. When you use the other three parts of luck, people take a hold of that random event and turn it into something good that happens to them. When that happens people say, "Oh, he got lucky!".

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All People Want is the Truth

You really can't blame the public. Everywhere the customer goes people are lying to them and taking advantage of them. I'm not even talking about a sales situation. I'm talking about everyday life. Dealing with people that aren't being honest with you. Co-workers, friends, even family. Everyone (2 Billion people) are on Facebook watching other people have fun, get rich, make it big at something and oh yes, the occasional cat videos.

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Education Marketing

Do you want to stand out in a crowded market trying to get your customers attention in this new world of selling? Marketing and selling? I will call this Attunement Selling. Attunement means being or bringing into harmony; a feeling of being "at one" with another being.

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Sales Information Parity

The playing field has changed. The customer now has most of the information that you do. Well, almost as much. But here's the thing. THEY THINK THEY HAVE IT ALL! They think they have everything they need to make a decision! The problem is, they might be solving the wrong problem they have. They also need YOU!

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Dream 100 Clients

I am not going to take credit for this idea. I must give credit where credit is due. The late great Chet Holmes came up with this idea and I read about it in his book years ago called The Ultimate Sales Machine. This is a great book and I highly recommend that you read it. Once I read this concept that Chet wrote about, I started doing it immediately. It really works great and I highly recommend you implement it ASAP! It is very similar to the 80-20 rule.

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Listen Your Way to the Sale

Everybody says "listen your way to a sale! I mean everyone in the business says to LISTEN! There must be something to this, right? When you see everyone say the same thing you figure it is important! God gave you two ears and one mouth. It seems like everyone says that one. So why are sales people not paying attention to this major advice?

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Reading the Sales Table

In my line of work (luxury real estate) it is very important to be able to read people very quickly. I would imagine if you are selling cars, or dealing with purchasing agents in a company it would also be important. But the car dealer and the real estate salesmen are dealing with “walk-in” traffic that just show up.

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If I Had My Life to Live Over

My step Father was a good man. He had great wit and charm. For most of his life he life he had a great lifestyle. He got to be cranky at the end though. He just didn't seem very happy with the way things turned our. Then one day after he was gone we found this story in his belongings. I really liked it once I read it, so I thought I would share.

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